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Votre bureau
Carole and our team welcome you to Bordeaux
122 route du Médoc
33110 Le Bouscat
PKF Arsilon supports company directors (start-ups, microbusinesses, SMEs, ISEs), professionals and volunteer association managers at every stage of the company or organisation’s life, from its creation to its transfer. In addition to traditional accounting, auditing, legal and tax activities and payroll and corporate consultancy, our team of some forty people in Bordeaux is at your disposal to help you improve your performance, provide management consultancy, reporting and consolidation, CSR strategy and business transfer and takeover operations.
In Bordeaux, we are pleased and proud to count specialists in the wine, renewable energy, aeronautics and start-up sectors among our extraordinary clients.
Our partner networks :
Vous recherchez un expert pour un besoin particulier ?
Contact the officeCarole Toniutti
Expert-comptable et Commissaire aux comptes – Référente Transmission & Reprise
Iris Chabrol-Dekkiche
Expert-comptable et Commissaire aux comptes – Référente RSE